What have the Theek 5 libraries got to offer?
Opening hours
Our staff members are there to answer any questions you may have and to give advice. Theek 5 are 11 libraries in total. Check our libraries and their opening hours here.
Free wifi
In all Theek 5 libraries you have access to free wifi, so you can use the internet with your own laptop, tablet or smartphone.
Free work stations
Public Library Theek 5 can offer you a comfortable work station with easy access to all kinds of facilities and information. You are most welcome to use our modern facilities. Work stations, both with or without a computer, are available at all Theek 5 libraries (except for Lage Zwaluwe).
Free use of computers
In all Theek 5 libraries computers are available for free for the public. If you wish to search information on the internet or make a print, for example, feel free to do so!
Copies, prints and scans
In all our libraries a copier is available that can provide copies, prints or scans. There is a small charge for prints and copies.
Free membership for childeren
Children from 0 to 18 can borrow juvenile books and magazines, e-books*, audio-books, jigsaws, DVDs and comics completely free of charge! You can apply for a children’s membership card at any Theek-5 library.
* at a maximum of 10 e-books and 10 audio-books altogether for a period of 3 weeks.
Book Start box
For children from 0 to 2 you can come and collect the Book Start Box in the library. In the box you will find two nice books and some useful tips and information on how to make a start reading books to your child(ren). The Book Start Box is available at all Theek 5 libraries free of charge.
Cyrillic collection
Our collection also offers an extensive Cyrillic children collection with 95 different titles. The full collection can be found at Theek 5 Oosterhout, but can be reserved online or from any other Theek 5 location. The books will then be delivered to you Theek 5 location, free of charge.
You can find the Cyrillic collection in our catalog by using the search term 'Oekraïense jeugdboeken' and 'Russische jeugdboeken'.
View the collection